The View from Squam - our Blog
The View From Squam - our Blog
Ice Harvest Photos
The 2025 RDC Ice Harvest was completed from Jan. 24 to Jan. 27 at Deep End. Many thanks to the workers who came out to help us put up 3,250 ice blocks in Rockywold and Deephaven Ice Houses. The cold weather and lack of early season snow helped make beautiful black ice that was between 13.25 and 14.5 inches thick. Photos by Eric Morse.
RDC 2025 Ice Harvest Video
Watch RDC's 2025 Ice Harvest Video by Eric Morse.
RDC 2024 Ice Harvest video
Thanks to all the workers who came to help us out, we couldn't do it without you! We are looking for new workers to help us next year, so if you have a flexible schedule and a desire to be part of this team working to preserve the historic ice harvest, please send us a message at the Contact page.
Video by Eric Morse
RDC Ice Harvest 2023
The RDC Ice Harvest took place from February 15 to 19 on Squaw Cove. The ice was 15 to 16 inches thick which makes the blocks around 160 pounds each! This year was very challenging with the warm winter weather. Thanks to everyone who worked with us this year! We are always looking for people to work the ice harvest, so please be in touch if you like hard work and could be available for four days next winter. Video by Eric Morse.

Needle Point
Here are two photographs of Needle Point along the Bight on the Rockywold side from March 21st. The ice is still covering most of the lake and is starting to melt out along shore, especially is south facing areas.
RDC Ice Harvest 2022
Rockywold Deephaven Camps Ice Harvest on Squam Lake, NH took place on January 26 - January 31, 2022. RDC has been harvesting ice for over 100 years and the ice is stored in two ice houses to serve cottages at the summer resort. Ice is delivered daily to cottage ice boxes where guests use the ice to keep food and beverages cold. The ice was between 12 and 15 inches thick and each block weighs about 125 pounds. RDC harvests 200 tons of ice each winter and covers the ice with saw dust for insulation. The ice lasts until the end of the summer season. Thanks to All of the Workers!
RDC Ice Harvest 2021
Watch the RDC 2021 Ice Harvest video by clicking the above video. Special thanks to all the workers who helped us get the ice in once again!
Point Of View Webcam
Watch the RDC live webcam of Squam Lake from Deephaven cottage Point Of View.
RDC & Coronavirus
March 18, 2020
Dear RDC Friends,
Though an idyllic escape from the real world for generations, Rockywold-Deephaven is not immune to real world challenges. Along with other communities and businesses across the country, RDC is actively planning for the possible continued spread of COVID-19 so we can best protect the health of our staff, guests, and Camp itself.
What the new coronavirus will bring in the coming months is unclear. As such, with national, regional, and local public health experts as our guides—including the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NH Health and Human Services, New Hampshire Lodging & Restaurant Association, and others—we’re planning for a variety of scenarios. Each one places health and safety above all else.
We understand the unease that comes with uncertainty so we have updated our cancellation policy to allow cancellations up to May 31 with no penalty. We will take further review of our additional cancellation policies in the coming weeks and are continuing to develop policies for the 2020 season. Please know that both the staff and board of directors have the situation in sharp focus, and will keep you updated regularly on the RDC website as plans unfold.
We hope you and your family are healthy, and that we see you up at the lake soon.
Kathy Wheeler, RDC General Manager
Tucker Richmond, President RDC Board of Directors
Ice Harvest 2020
RDC completed the annual ice harvest from January 29 to February 1, 2020. The warm winter weather made it challenging and we had to go back to Squaw Cove for the harvest, because the ice at Deep End is not thick enough. Here is a video by Eric Morse:
"We feel rooted within our own families as well as with those special friends we meet at this place. We are regenerated by Squam Lake's natural wonders-- fragrant pines, mountain summits, star-filled night skies, and haunting loon calls, to name a few.
Those of us lucky enough to spend some summer days at RDC share in a restful calm. We are certainly grateful for this unique place of simplicity and peace. I know we take this spirit with us when we leave Squam, counting the days until we can return".
RDC Photo Gallery